Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hello to my Mp3 Download Blog - Immediatly Mp3 downloads

I discovered Russian pop music in 2003 in the middle of Siberia in Novosibirsk. It was pouring out from the private busses, from the markets and from weekend parties. I could not avoid it. I obtained a CD. Since then until recently, my exposure to Russian pop were limited to two CDs. I can't really understand Russian. Perhaps this helped to enjoy the songs all the more.

Then came You Tube. Russian pop music has exploded into the living rooms with access to the internet for those who would bother to search for Russian pop. Apart from the music being Russian, is there much of a difference to such music compared to EuroAmerican pop (shortened to Europop) in English, except the obvious linguistic difference? I don't know. Contemporary Russian pop music seems to have learned everything from its Western counterpart and there is not much stylistic difference in instruments or tunes generally - this music is basically Russia's answer to your standard poptastic hit parade. But I certainly prefer to think that this music forms its own genre - best dubbed Russian Pop for absolute simplicity. Unfortunately, whereas there are some excellent Russian male artists I have only researched if that is the word, the female ones. What makes Russian pop music so absorbing?

OK, I'll be frank. The women on Russian pop videos are often more attractive, more feminine, more traditional and more everything compared to the Europop selection. Their videos are stunning. Generally women in Russia (that I met) were more cultured, more educated and seemed to respect the respectable - they were extremely hospitable. There are more of them as pop artists, there is more variety and it is more irrepressible. Finally, my enjoyment is perhaps all the greater as they just sound like lovely women, but I don't have to bother to or can't understand what they say. They say that music can be more relaxing if the brain does not have to interpret the music, so classical can be more relaxing. Perhaps foreign language pop has the same effect.

Little bits of Russian we can pick up like "Na Pravda" in Natalya Baleskava ( - a girl in trouble about her boyfriend. Russian pop is a sure way to sharpen your Russian language skills if you are interested. Sometimes Russian songs are just plain silly and fun as well as colourful. Just watch Krasky in Oranzovaye Soltsne ( - a woman who is bundles of energy, but may be no ballerina. The above two artists are not easy to find if you want to download their hits. Two pop groups have become reasonably known so you can download their music. I refer to T.A. T. U. and Via Gra. TATU are famously lesbian though this may be just for show. My Russian hostess in 2003 was shocked by them. The Russian version of "Not gonna get us" by T.A.T.U. ( features them driving along a snowy scene in a gigantic truck. T.A.T.U. are not quite my favourite, I think Via Gra have more pleasant music. Check out their answer to "diamonds are a girl's best friend" ( or "Brilliantly", also the name of an album. For shoes, bums and a fairy tale ending, their Poptyka 5 is quite fun ( to watch. These hits can now be downloaded and I'll explain how (at least for people in the UK). Much as these videos are good, some of the best ones are taken down as have their equivalents with Europop. However, if you or they thought YouTube would kill the ability for any of these songs to make royalties, you'd be dead wrong. The latest music download sites are having their playlists explode thanks to the YouTube exposure. You can now download Russian, Brazilian, Japanese or anything else or you will soon be able to. YouTube is manna and some of these Russian groups now have YouTube channels. Take the group Fabrika. Their channel is: I recommend a song that seems to have the refrain Die Die Die! ( - though this actually means give, give, give as lovers would say in Russian - so the mermaids sing. Fabrika have been around for quite a while. One of the most famous solo singers is Tatyana Bulanova, quite a song bird with tens of hits to her name. She is featured in Wikipedia. Some of her best stuff has since been taken down. Her song Angel is accompanied by a sci fi video that would credit any Hollywood space based CGI ( Russian songs often sound very traditional and innocent. Try Natali ( - though I can't say much about this singer. Another solo talent has the unusual appellation Unnesenie Vetrom. Her song Kakao had one of the most brilliant videos I had seen until it was taken down. The next best video featuring this is tacky ( and fails to reveal her talent. Someone could use this theme to help sell drinking chocolate. In Blestyashie, an ex girl band (there are so many Russian girl bands - Fabrika, Via gra, Tatu, Krasky, Non Stop) was featured the current solo star Shana Friske. You may see her in A ya ... May I mention one further solo star with a good voice: Sveta in A mosh niet, A mosh da ( ( Finally in the context of videos indicating a certain amount of blatant sexism and female liberation, try Pod Zapretom by Non Stop (

So how can you actually buy some of this music. Well I found the solution today though it is a partial solution via the downloadable application called Spotify. Try their website. Spotify are collecting all the world's music in a listenable format and if you find the albums and songs, you are directed to sites you can download this stuff legally. Unfortunately, the majority of stars or groups listed above are not on it, but maybe, they will want to join given that it is not just Russians who want Russian pop music. I have always enjoyed foreign music including Abba - so much more exotic, exciting and yes, the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

My favourite classical composer is Tchaikovsky, a genius and a saint from Russia. Amongst nations representing Western Culture, Russia is probably number one for culture with all the nuances and history that the word represents. Music, science, painting, novels, short stories, plays - you can find it with Tchaikovsky, Chekov, Pushkin, Tolstoy and Mendelev. Of course, others have caught on, and now the Russian's are in the vanguard of a new explosion of music, dance and fashion. With regards to Europop, they are unrivalled in my opinion except by the USA, the UK and possibly Sweden. They are on the threshold of making an explosive takeover - but hold on.

Ironically, when I tuned to Russian radio channels to get the latest pop, I noticed that they were playing English pop instead. Obviously, many Russians look up to the Western World for their music, while I, preferring something totally other though vaguely familiar go for the Russian pop. Enjoy, but no need to get addicted I hope. There's so much beauty, dance and vitality with male and female stars from the Russian pop scene. In Russian culture as one lady explained to me: we don't want to be like English women, they want to be men! Soviet Lady is back with a vengeance and she still retains her femininity - quite a challenge in these apparently politically correct times. I have put together some Russian song playlists on You Tube and you are welcome to contact me with an email if you want me to share my playlists.

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